it's late, and I'm surprisingly grumpy. it's mostly in a surface sort of way. or so I tell myself. maybe it's just the compilation of too many little things... or not so little things.... coming together to make a great .... or not so great at all.... symphony.
last night I chopped off my friends hair at about 1 in the am. today, I told another friend about that, and he said you should never make big decisions after 10. pm. I agree. not that I always show that I agree with my actions, but the logic is solid.
so maybe my grump roots partially from the lack of sleep.... as it is somewhat difficult to sleep-in in my bright, new, big windowed apartment. or maybe it started there and escalated when I got frustrated. with others, sure, but much moreso with myself. I've had too many of those days lately. actually, today was a most lovely sort of day. mostly. I just. get tired. sometimes. I'm figuring out a some things.... a couple that may be very exciting. I'll tell you more about them when I know more about them. but until then, they'll have to be my little secret.
maybe I'm grumpy because I'm so annoyed with my dreams. not like, the goals-in-life kind of dreams... no, I'm talking about the close-my-eyes-and-sleep-tonight sort of dreams. they are vivid. and wild. and amazing really. and I would really like to just not dream tonight. ya know?
I miss my best friends. and my old friends. maybe that's why I'm grumpy. I think I'm tending to look at everything with my "half-empty" glasses on tonight. so I should count my blessings... as they are many.... soooo many. and just go to bed. cause you should never make an important decision after 10. pm. someone once told me that.
time to lay down the grump.
you have been so good to me. thank-you. thank-you for your love. thank-you for your friendship. thanks for your astounding patience. thank-you for your faithfulness. thanks for the most beautiful September 2nd. thank-you for work. and dreams.... the looking forward kind. thank-you for your perfect timing. thank-you for good, godly friends. thank-you for big windows. thanks for a cool roommate and yummy supper. thanks for vision, and sunshine, and the smell of freshly mowed sweetgrass. thanks for laughter and late night Timmie's runs in a funny vehicle. thanks for good memories, and for growth. thanks for music and walking. and coffee and journals. thanks for wisdom, and peace. thanks for warm hoodies on cold nights. thanks for a river I can explore. thanks for family. and new life. thanks for holding my hand. thanks for being a warm blanket when that's all I need.