my room is a mess, yet here I am. it's just been toooo long.
I'm not going to catch you up on everything. lets just pick up where I left off. if thats what you call this which I am doing.
last night, two of my friends got wedded.
last night, I proved that you don't need to drink an ounce of alcohol in order dance like a fool.
last night, I threw the bouquet.
let me expand.
the wedding was very nice. two beautiful people with hearts of gold who love each other very deeply and truly and who both love God with a steady passion, melding their lives into one. one that is stronger together than the two would have been apart. how could a wedding like that not be nice? and then... they went and wrote their own vows. I hate it when people do that! it's so much more sweet and real an... un-cliché. and suddenly your nose seems to be sniffaly and your eyes are hard to see out of. I also very much like getting to see people who I haven't seen in far too long. I think that weddings are something like a family reunion. the only difference being that some people are getting married and there are many people who aren't in your family, but really should be because they are that cool. and you may say, "sooo... not really at all like a family reunion." perspective people, perspective.
there was no alcohol at this wedding. and if there had been, I wouldn't have drank it. I'm just not into that so much. and by so much, I mean at all. but... I'm sure that there are some people from off the farm in MB that wonder about us. you see, I went away to San Diego a week ago, and couldn't help but dance. it's like.... I caught a dancing fever. I tried to explain to my friend who was with me, that I'm not usually like this. I'm not ordinarily so crazy as this. but then, I came home. and you see..... at the wedding.... there was... this dance floor. all shiny and wood-looking. and there were little fancy Christmas lights all draped up in sheer fabrics. and then. there were two disco balls. not one, but two. this, in itself.... would be enough to get me up offa my thang. but it gets better. I have a couple girlfriends... and...well, they are.... crazy. and my one friend, I haven't seen in a coons age! sooo.... we had a dance party. that went on for... hours. and.... well, for the most part, no one else was dancing. there were a few tables of older people just visiting and sitting and chatting and drinking coffee. and watching us. and laughing. or judging. I'm not sure. we were even creative enough to be able to incorporate the table runners as ribbons to wave around we glide with grace and ease and much style across the dance floor. three of us alone. well.... alright.... maybe I'm not that grad of a dancer. maybe not even a little. but it sure as heck was fun!
and now we come to the flower chucking part.
you see, traditionally speaking, the bride does a "bouquet toss". and my dear wedded friends are fairly traditional. but... well. they left. and when we were tired and mildly sweaty from our dancing we wandered. we found more delicious juice to drink and looked at the view out the enormous windows.... and as we wandered, we just so happened to wander past the head table. and there were all of the bouquets. and there, in the middle of the long table, lay the biggest and most beautiful bouquet. so... I picked it up, and with little encouragement, meandered to the dance floor once again, where two lovely, and single, young ladies prepared to catch it. and, luckily.... I have a good behind-me sort of aim, and the bouquet was caught! victory! I will admit that it did feel a bit odd to be the one to carry out this ancient tradition, but it's one of those things that just had to be done. it was a sacrifice I was willing to make.
and now, they are married.
I'm working at Starbucks. again. you know what they say.... third time's the charm..

.? I really do enjoy it though. and it's good. because I need to save the money. because the big news I had to tell you is that I'm going to Australia in the new year. just to hang out and explore and maybe work a bit along the way. I plan to read and lay on the beach and journal and take photos and maybe paint lots. I have been there once before. but I'm looking forward to this because I know that it will look very different. this is the city that I plan on spending most of my time in, but my plans are the opposite of being set in stone.
today was Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful for. this, I know to be true. and so I'd like to share, just a few of these many things. I'm so thankful for grace. I'm thankful for a family that cares for me and loves on me... even when I'm difficult. I'm thankful for the good friends that have come into my life at just the moment when God knew I needed them. and moved on in life when our time together drew to a close.... but I know that in these friends... even the ones who have gone on, I have a longer-than-life-long companionship that I can count one. they will be there for me. and I, for them. I'm so thankful for sweet, sweet memories of the precious time spent together with my friends and family. I'm thankful for stolen summer days, and glowing warm october sunshine. I'm thankful for a motorcycle ride with my dad into a blazing sunset with the frigid wind blowing in our faces. I'm thankful for a brother who makes me proud to be related..... a brother who is fun and smart and so very considerate. I'm thankful for a big, wonderful meal made my mom.. and thankful for her listening ear and understanding. I'm thankful for work and fun people to work with. at all three jobs. I'm thankful for answers to prayer. even in the little things that I too often forget and overlook.
and oh so much more... but right now... I'm feeling inclined to be thankful for a cozy bed and sweet slumber....
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