Thursday, April 8, 2010

reserve battery power.

I don't like country music. well, not usually. there have been some exceptions... mainly because they're tied to a memory, and a few others because they're fun to make fun of. but, as a rule, country music just ain't my thang. even if I do have an appreciation for cowboy hats, and plaid, snap-up shirts, and the big open sky. it's too.. oh I don't know... whiney? maybe that's not quite the right word. anyway, you didn't need to know all that. I guess, really, you don't need to know anything I've blogged about so far. but the point is,

I don't like country music.
yet, here I am.... and something very much so verging on country is playing in my basement. and I'm letting it. it's a remix of the Doobie Brothers I think. only sadder. it's not that country-ish... just the guitar is.. or something.

it's blizzarding outside. today is April 8th. these two statement shouldn't be put together, yet here we are. I'm surprised this doesn't anger me, but it's rather exciting. I love storms so much... you really have no idea. I'm not sure why.... there's something dangerous and exciting about them I guess. it's like God's power is ever so slightly been unleashed. I especially love it when it snows so much that everything just has to stop. everything that doesn't really matter. and only the things of lasting value can carry on. people, in all of our busy little lives are forced to stand still. and watch little snowflakes dance, so very slowly, to the ground. so small is that single snowflake, yet he plays an important role. he's just one of many. and oh so unique. designed with such precision and creativity. and we are suddenly forced to have the time to stop. stop running around. and we suddenly have the time to take in it's beauty. I'm suppose I'm just feeling melodramatic. and a wee bit melancholy. it must be the snow.

my computer just told me I'm now "run-ing on re-serve bat-a-ry pow-er." just like that, in his scary robotic voice. and I agreed. maybe it's time for a change.

this music isn't country at all. I might even like it.

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