Tuesday, April 5, 2011

lack of google.

it used to go like this. a question or a thought would sprout in my mind....  and I would wonder about it. with that wondering in hand, I would walk to my computer and type a few key words into la google search engine and discover a whole plethora of information which would either answer my question or expand my vast knowledge into even vaster-ness. now... well, things have changed. I no longer have free internet that I can borrow from a neighbor. (they must have added a password. I'm glad for them... really. it's so much smarter to have a password these days. I'm not sure why... I just imagine that it is. smarter that is.) so now, things are different. I check the weather by opening my window. I have a thought or a question.... and it sits there. and I mull it over... and let the thoughts wander and grow and become creative. and I wonder. and then I wonder some more. and then I forget. which is sort of like an endless wondering... because, you see.... when the computer is in front of me and the internet is available, I'll have forgotten my urgent question. and all the wondering that I did, is all I did. for that moment. then the thought will come back, hopefully at another inopportune time, and I will allow it to grow more....  and more and more and more... because, one day.... it'll grow so big, it can't help but bloom into something beautiful..

*serious side note*- and not really serious.... but seriously to the side:
woah. I just discovered that the blinky typing stick..... you know... the one that follows the last letter you wrote.... blinks in time to my ticking alarm clock. each second. 

also, the internet really is a wonderful place. even a wonder-ful place. full of knowledge. and wonder. but I just think it's sometimes nice to not have an instant answer for the question that has barely been born. sometimes it's nice to have to wonder.


Cheryl. said...

well thought. well said. well wondered.

suzy said...

do you have a mac? because if you do, you can actually set how fast the little blinking stick blinks.

danny.elle. said...

Cheryl- thanks friend... I'm glad you still use the interweb during this time of no facebook.

Suzy-I do have a mac. and of course they would think of that. it's amazing really. but what else was I expecting. I wonder what other things it can do that I'm totally unaware of....