Wednesday, April 7, 2010

early bird. night owl.

I'm really quite ridiculous. I am continually astounded at my thorough ridiculous-ness. I have the capability to deeply appreciate mornings. It's really such a wonderful thing to be able to get up early and have a quiet time with the sunrise blazing in on you, and some toasty coffee, and that thing called breakfast... you know, the meal people usually eat in the morning? ya, well... the meal SOME people usually eat in the morning. it sometimes has eggs. I like eggs. I like coffee. I like sunrises. I like quiet time. with Jesus especially. I like to go for walks in the morning even... before everything else wakes up... it's so crisp and fresh and delightful to ones nose. and I'm not a huge bird fan... but they really are beautiful sounding in the morning.

I think I could be a morning person.

but I have a problem.

I am a night owl. I think. I must be! there's no other reasonable explanation. the other night, for instance, I started.... started.... a sewing project.. after midnight! It was a pin cushion. and I'm not done because I didn't have any cotton batting... or whatever you wish to call it.... fluff! But I did spend quite some time trying to make friends with my sewing machine. not a total fail.... but it certainly took some perseverance. I think it needs a name. but that's just an example. far, far too often I find myself doing things. random little things, way too late at night. they matter. they need to be done, yes. well, most of them. but really? really. must I do them so very late at night? I could do them in the day, but at this point my days are just too busy. that needs to change. maybe if I got up earlier..... but I do so love being cozy in my bed, and the sweetness of sleep. and half-dreams. I have to go get my laundry now. oh... it's after midnight. what do you know...

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